podcust package


podcust.cli module

podcust.platform module

Retrieve Information about the platform the package is running on.


Check that the podman package is installed and working properly. Raise an OSError if the podman –version command does not complete successfully.

podcust.podcust module

Main module.

podcust.tools module

Common podcust tools.

podcust.tools.get_user_input(message: str)[source]

Present a message to the user and capture user’s response. Validates that the string is alphanumeric latin characters up to 30 length. (Wanting to avoid to have to deal with escapted characters and other weird input. Admittedly this should be trusted input but I m in favor of taking the precaution. 30 alphanumeric characters should allow for complex enough passwords.)

message: Message to pring to the user.
Reply from the user. Note that this is intended to be a trusted input.

Module contents

Top-level package for Podman Custodian.